As mentioned at the January meeting Charles is doing a bumblebee walk on a monthly basis in conjunction with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust's "Bee Walk".
All are welcome to come on the walks, which will be monthly, with the first on March 5th at 11.00 from The Croft. The agreed Transect with Beewalk is up the cobbled lane by St Martin's then along the road until the top. Down the track to Lower Delacorse, then across the three fields and into the woods, ending at the Boathouse.
There will be identification sheets for the most common, plus a guide book to all UK bumblebees.
The most popular 8 are these .

Here is a link to all the UK bumblebees
Below is a form that can be used if you want to record bumblebee's seen in your garden or on a regular walk. This form is also available for use on your phone, let Charles know and he will send you it. It is similar to the water collection form, just needs saving to your phone home screen.